Minecraft hacked client base
Minecraft hacked client base

minecraft hacked client base minecraft hacked client base

AutoSprint (always sprint) 1: Impossible to tell.AutoSoup (automatically drinks soup) 3.5: Throws NCP checks.AutoRespawn (automatically respawns after dying) 1.AutoMine (mines everything you see) 1: Impossible to tell.

minecraft hacked client base

AutoEat (automatically eats) 3: Might throw NCP checks.AutoLog (automatically combat logs) 1: If server only has NCP 3.5: Combat logging plugins.AutoBuild (automatically builds objects) 3: If you don't look at it, you can't build it.AutoAttack/Fightbots (automatically attack everyone you see) 2.5: Easy to tell, may throw checks.AutoArmor (automatically places armor) 3: Might throw NCP Checks.Arrow Trajectories (you see where arrow lands) 1: Unless the whole objective is to aim with arrow.Armor and Invsee (what they hold)ESP 1: ArmorESP is allowed on some servers.Anti-Potion (prevents bad potion effects) 4: See note 1.Anti-Knockback (disables knockback) 3: Easy to detect (if it's not reduced knockback), some kick the player, some don't.Anti-Hurtcam (disables the annoying effect if you take damage) 1: Impossible to know.Anti-Fire (you don't get burned when you are in the fire) 4: See note 1.Anti-Blind (Stops the blindness/nausea effect) 1.Anti-AFK (Walks around randomly to prevent AFK kicks) 1: Usually no one will mind.Aimbot (locks target when you aim) 2: Detectable through target "snapping".Repetitive ones (build random, autobuild) Hacks like derp are not to be listed here. Note: Useful hacks (not chat hacks, silly ones, etc.) only. Blocked when enabled without player movingģ.5 represents hacks that are preventable in every way IF YOU DO SOMETHING.Use your common sense, and just remember that hacking will always bring the risk of a ban. Update: Creating this page was probably not a good idea, as it is impossible to tell how long it will take for a hack to be "detected".

Minecraft hacked client base